El día de hoy les traemos otro número más del KJO, en el ejemplar de mayo podemos encontrar los siguientes artículos:
- Effect of silica coating on bond strength between a gold alloy and metal bracket bonded with chemically cured resin
- Effects of various toothpastes on remineralization of white spot lesions
- Long-term stability of dentoalveolar, skeletal, and soft tissue changes after non-extraction treatment with a self-ligating system
- Evaluation of the genotoxicity and cytotoxicity in the buccal epithelial cells of patients undergoing orthodontic treatment with three light-cured bonding composites by using micronucleus testing
- Active-treatment effects of the Forsus fatigue resistant device during comprehensive Class II correction in growing patients
[Leer más…] acerca de Baja el Korean Journal of Orthodontics de mayo del 2014