Ha coincidido que el día de ayer compartíamos un reporte de caso del Dr. Chris Chang y ahora compartimos su nuevo número del International Journal of Orthodontics and Implantology, el cual corresponde al mes de abril (2016). Entre los artículo los cuales podremos leer ahí tenemos:
- Retreatment of a Class II High Mandibular Plane Malocclusion Previously Treated with Extraction of Upper First Premolars
- Acquired Malocclusion Due to Early Loss of Permanent First Molars: OBS-Anchored Orthodontics and Implant-Supported Prostheses
- Conservative Treatment of Periodontally Compromised Class III Malocclusion Complicated by Early Loss of Lower First Molars
- Extraction Treatment for an Asymmetric Class III/I Malocclusion with Blocked-Out Canine, Bimaxillary Crowding, Midline Deviation
- Cleidocranial Dysplasia: Surgical and Orthodontic Management of Multiple Impactions in the Mandible
- Clinical tips for stress-free 2X4 Treatment
- Severe open bite and crowding case treated by a new passive self-ligating lingual bracket with square slots
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Muchas gracias.